
Joey never met a bike that he didn't wanna ride

Kimya Dawson will be in Ybor tomorrow night. I was originally alerted by a friend named Jessica, a pretty big fan from what I understand. I then got a call from a good friend in Gainesville telling me that she and her beau had an extra ticket. I was ecstatic. Soon after, I found out that a fellow employee at my place of work had to be out of town and I was to pick up all of his shifts, including a closing shift the night of the show. I was quite upset. Today I woke up to the good news that previously mentioned co worker was back in town…but would not be able to take his Saturday shift. A little finagling on my part has led to me working 9-6 on Saturday, hopefully giving me enough time to make it to the show. After this rollercoaster of emotions, I think that I might actually make it.

Robles' Custom Munny

Along with all of the mass produced Kidrobot-chosen Munnys and Dunnys you can buy at retailers, they also produce DIY Munnys and Dunnys [often just blank black or off-white and include 5 mystery accessories] When people post their custom Munnys, you find runny sharpie ink, splotchy acrylic paint, and armature "squiggle" versions of generic cartoonie features. Johnny Robles is the exception to the rule.This almost inspired me to buy a DIY Munny but I know that what ever I have in store for it will end up looking a lot like the previously mentioned amateur generic cartoonie mess. A part of me wants to buy one and add a mustache and let it be. Robles first found out about the kidrobot trade-craze when he caught wind of an art show entitled "For the love of Munny" where contestants enter their custom munnys and have a swap-party afterwards. When asked about his Munny, Rubble commented: "It will look like a plain Munny being painted pink, and somebody's taking a plunger and just ... plunging it up like bubblegum or something..." Well John, it looks better than it sounds.

Robles is selling his creations for about $350 each.