Joey never met a bike that he didn't wanna ride
Kimya Dawson will be in Ybor tomorrow night. I was originally alerted by a friend named Jessica, a pretty big fan from what I understand. I then got a call from a good friend in Gainesville telling me that she and her beau had an extra ticket. I was ecstatic. Soon after, I found out that a fellow employee at my place of work had to be out of town and I was to pick up all of his shifts, including a closing shift the night of the show. I was quite upset. Today I woke up to the good news that previously mentioned co worker was back in town…but would not be able to take his Saturday shift. A little finagling on my part has led to me working 9-6 on Saturday, hopefully giving me enough time to make it to the show. After this rollercoaster of emotions, I think that I might actually make it.