
My Only Offer

Mates of State has released their second video from their fifth and newest album 'Re-Arrange Us', this one for "My Only Offer"

Having not heard the entire album, I'm still a bit hesitant of the matrimonial duo's new sound. Kori's voice has developed to a more classic sound; certainly still beautiful, but in a very different way. Where the "My Solo project" and "Team Boo" vocals were that timid girl in a second-hand dress, long stringy hair, and thick black-rimmed glasses, "Re-Arrange Us" is the newly elected prom queen with porcelain skin, waving from the auditorium stage.From what I’ve heard, this album is a hit but I guess I've just always been more the 'coy Booklover' type.


The New York brand let this photo leak a couple of weeks ago but now the story is revealed.ALIFE makes it's debut in Switzerland this Thursday, June 19th at GRAND and CELLOPHANE and in order to celebrate the special occasion ALIFE collaborated with premiere Swiss Chocolate maker Chocolaterie Blondel to produce custom chocolate bars.

...And order to commemorate the commemorative chocolate bar: SWISS "Choco" T-Shirt will be available exclusively at ALIFE Flagship shops in NYC, LA, Vancouver, Tokyo; of course at the newest Swiss shops to add ALIFE to their stock.