
Koston on a Track Bike!

As many of you SHOULD know, we are knee deep in 'The Battle at The Berrics: 2' which is the biggest organized game of s.k.a.t.e. that goes down annually. 'The Berrics' being a skate park owned by none other than Steve Berra and Eric Koston somewhere in downtown Los Angeles; hence the name: Berra + Eric. This year something like 32 skaters where chosen to throw down at the Berrics and while catching up on some missed battles, I came across this gem during the Cory Kennedy, Greg Lutzka pre-game interview!

Koston, not only on a track bike, but he's skidding and almost hitting a decent track stand. 'Track bikes are HOTHOTHOT.'

It was just brought to my attention the boys at macablog spotted this first. Curses.


Blogger Unknown said...

skate? as in the video game?

11:15 AM  

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