
Sir Charlse says: COME GET SOME!

In 2006, Barkley said: "I was a Republican until they lost their minds, "The word 'conservative' means 'discriminatory,' practically. It's a form of political discrimination. What do the Republicans run on? Against gay marriage and for a war that makes no sense. A war that was based on faulty intelligence. That's all they ever talk about. That and immigration. Another discriminatory argument for political gain"

More power to the man, I just wish he was better spoken. Kanye West was the last black liberal to directly speak out against this administration and people are still buzzing about it. Expect this in the headlines. Besides, I always thought the retro CB 34s were fire.

And for future reference, the Emiliano Zapata quote at the end of this video: " ¡Prefiero morir de pie que vivir siempre arrodillado! " was intended for the Mexican people; "living on my knees" referring to living a "more American" life through the dictator Porfirio Díaz. This quote hardly fits this video but does fit into a category of my pet peeves: when people misquote Latin-American revolutionaries to support a liberal American democracy.