

While looking to diversify my twitter feed, I found Lance Armstrong and thought to myself 'why not?' While browsing his profile, I found his most recent twitpic with a coincidentally funny caption, so I checked it:Lance uploaded this photo with a caption that read 'Why not?" I guess the MASHSF boys rubbed off on him quite a bit when they hit the streets of Austin.

So lance is going fixed and the Mash crew is doing races?This blury photo popped up on the MASH SF blog with the subject "T-minus 14." It looks like a touring jersey to me. Good things to come.


I had the privelige of seeing MC Supernatural as the host of last year's Rock The Bells tour so I was pretty hyped to see this vid pop up from bobby on the hundreds blog. This video doesn't really showcase his ability to literally rap about anything; it's ridiculous. At RTBs, during a freestyle session he encouraged people in the crowd to toss things on stage at random for him to rhyme about and not only did he do it, he sounded better with 'off the top' lyrics than most rappers out now do with weeks in the studio.The man has skills and its good to see him out of the LRG and into some Hundreds apparel.